About Oscar Zezatti

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So far Oscar Zezatti has created 20 blog entries.

News – 2024 FedEx St. Jude Championship

Nulla egestas est eget sollicitudin ultrices. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Fusce aliquam risus sed ipsum sollicitudin, laoreet aliquet sem faucibus. Praesent luctus justo in consequat fringilla. Quisque eget nunc et eros iaculis hendrerit. Vivamus quis condimentum magna. Sed id erat neque. Curabitur quis mi at nunc tempor [...]

August 15th, 2024|News|

E/9: Everything Olympics

Mike and Josh look at the Olympics from all angles. They cover everything from Olympic Golf to what sports need to go, what sports are underrated, and why the Olympic Village demands a reality docu-series. Mike also has some explaining to do about his lackluster Pickleball record. https://open.spotify.com/episode/6k1LUpo24X4O0zMr2WCPVf?si=1CZ7EVtLR5-Akx2NqXR9Bw

July 31st, 2024|Podcast|

E/9: Open Championship Recap

Mike and Josh put a bow on the 2024 Major Championship season by looking back at Xander's masterclass at Royal Troon. The guys also tackle several burning questions as the Tour moves towards the post-season. Finally, Mike recaps a challenging E/9 played at the club on Saturday. https://open.spotify.com/episode/1lpdHKUD4iE1JxIdhnSaan?si=lbSU0PI9STqwvUspUmpplw

July 23rd, 2024|Podcast|
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